- Completed
Audit Report
06 Nov 2021
10 Dec 2021
Contracts Audited
VSQERC20 0x29F1e986FCa02B7E54138c04C4F503DdDD250558 sVSQERC20 0xbb0FDc2Fe6D3cEB6Bf76Cc955173a07EDbF57494 wsVSQ 0x05B33f816d2C0C2D20F0777a75ad549df05bF24D BondDepository Frax-VSQ 0x8Ab125D6D6ea1743e53Ca79595046f2a0c76A551 Mai-VSQ 0x2d7c40Cd0228264AE5a73F01bC54FA13C4476Da1 Dai-VSQ 0xF4acBe9de1Fae931C5A67115184069474d4fAdad Frax Bond 0x5AeC30AFe641EBe8789D8B21223F6D2C74f6fE2C Mai Bond 0x9fD78920cdbE6f365A557cec282cc88152e35670 Dai Bond 0x6Fd68930eC828ec5906B0FDEC686F3f459C08d1A EthBondDepository EthBondDepository.sol Staking 0x2F3E9e54bD4513D1B49A6d915F9a83310638CFC2 StakingDistributor 0xabE372DCFB8800B3cDE30f1d6666401C765f2F3B StakingHelper 0x493Fdb9ddFd51873a878494B0E4d858D6DEc57E9 StakingWarmup 0xE33e7247BdF5FDeB6705E820F3f26823Ea294F13 StandardBondingCalculator 0xFEeADb0798EF580b1394eb38659Cf85cC25D43e4 Treasury 0x8c7290399cECbBBf31E471951Cc4C2ce91F5073c VSQZapIn VSQZapIn.sol (Deployed contracts were not provided) View Audit Report
IssuesRisk SummaryFound Resolved Partially Resolved Acknowledged
(no change made)High
3 3 – – Medium
2 2 – – Low
19 16 1 2 Informational
32 25 2 5 Total 56 46 3 7 When using this protocol, the main risks you want to look out for are:
- Ensuring that the contracts you are interacting with matches the one we audited. This can be done by comparing the addresses with the one present in the contracts page in our audit.
- Our audits only cover code-related risks. Users will have to do their own due diligence on other aspects of the protocol such as the reputation of the team, the protocol’s tokenomics, and other aspects of the project that might be relevant.