Galaxy Goggle DAO
- Completed
Audit Report
17 Jan 2022
Contracts Audited
TimeERC20Token (Galaxy Goggle Token (GG)) 0xcAf23964Ca8db16D816eB314a56789F58fE0e10e MEMOries (Staked Galaxy Goggle Token (sGG)) 0x98868ebA22Ce858a19d67E984211fa80aB74DF8B wsGG 0xb18b51dE676f466e3758f9e3B0739CBa564c7209 TimeBondDepository BUSD: 0x4d60C0b9eC47440e412A8080cc040A9364E1EAb4 BUSD/GG LP: 0x43EA89C2Ea35bfb44536623A2a0d6b54729258B3 CAKE: 0xa1fdCb89c02B7cF17676ce376cfdCa841Ae5D840 EthTimeBondDepository BNB: 0x50A0DdE8734Ac2B68013825FCE6958BBbF86DAC2 TimeStaking 0x97209Cf7a6FccC388eEfF85b35D858756f31690d Distributor 0xCc2e2134b74C70Acd64Bb297d18Ba25087789D8d StakingHelper 0x2863C5D73510c671F5D16687BDfFcc3De6f14576 StakingWarmup 0x137D4755071844DcE186aD6df8c07e017137D3c7 TimeBonding 0xE4677ba3fc3CBB92633e6c636F073E76F3A76a61 TimeTreasury 0xF76C9753507B3Df0867EB02D86d07C6fFcEecaf1 View Audit Report
IssuesRisk SummaryFound Resolved Partially Resolved Acknowledged
(no change made)High 3 1 – 2 Medium 3 2 – 1 Low 18 3 – 15 Informational 32 1 – 31 Total 56 7 – 49 When using this protocol, the main risks you want to look out for are:
- Ensuring that the contracts you are interacting with matches the one we audited. This can be done by comparing the addresses with the one present in the contracts page in our audit.
- Our audits only cover code-related risks. Users will have to do their own due diligence on other aspects of the protocol such as the reputation of the team, the protocol’s tokenomics, and other aspects of the project that might be relevant.