Dragon Crypto Gaming: Aurum
- Completed (2)
Audit Report from October 2021
04 Nov 2021
05 Nov 2021
Contracts Audited
DCAU 0x100Cc3a819Dd3e8573fD2E46D1E66ee866068f30 MasterChef 0x0bE0d3D0C3A122B7F57b6119766880a83F95aE9f DragonNestSupporter 0x253f2BF92AA76e0E448A77ED98197f44EeC96a9F VaultChef 0xdEAE788795Bbc8126E7532EB94B7e6b9E5960cfF BaseStrategy Dependency of StrategyMasterChef and StrategyMasterChefLP BaseStrategyLP Dependency of StrategyMasterChef and StrategyMasterChefLP BaseStrategyLPSingle Dependency of StrategyMasterChef and StrategyMasterChefLP StrategyMasterChefLP Pending StrategyMasterChef Pending Operators Dependency of StrategyMasterChef and StrategyMasterChefLP View Audit Report
IssuesRisk SummaryFound Resolved Partially Resolved Acknowledged
(no change made)High 5 5 – – Medium 9 9 – – Low 11 8 2 1 Informational 26 25 1 – Total 51 47 3 1 When using this protocol, the main risks you want to look out for are:
- Ensuring that the contracts you are interacting with matches the one we audited. This can be done by comparing the addresses with the one present in the contracts page in our audit.
- Our audits only cover code-related risks. Users will have to do their own due diligence on other aspects of the protocol such as the reputation of the team, the protocol’s tokenomics, and other aspects of the project that might be relevant.
Audit Report from March 2023
04 Nov 2021
27 Mar 2023
Contracts Audited
DragonCryptoArgenti Bond 0xca004Ad5BC41752abd13071452B2787860D2eCaA DragonCryptoEquipment 0xBBC24053734741d5Bc5BA4dB5B56298e76fF27b5 DragonCryptoResources 0x71106a00b02Ef4FD0b52667A01dDE3c926370B3c DragonCryptoConsumables 0xd1D559437Ec969E8EceD3f7c69CC5DB82DC79F15 LoadMarketplace 0xdD9FE882a9B44fcF98F729582218b8e588EE61Ea LoadInn 0x4A29739f1CCfbc54D7ef29f0a4bb875F91E10573 LoadHealersHut 0x6135016d667b26F95F4eA7aAa14ac801e2632B0D LoadCrafting 0x9B984dBf9380377b8A648dF2f54185d849B6dc89 LoadPriceHandler 0x2536B0710B8589099927bfDDdc13b98B37a06c8D LoadRewardHandler 0x7aa8A2EE4323741A8aB96c65F58B7f52c624B88E DragonCryptoArgenti 0x250bdca7D1845cd543BB55E7D82dcA24D48E9f0F View Audit Report
IssuesRisk SummaryFound Resolved Partially Resolved Acknowledged
(no change made)High 9 9 – – Medium 8 6 – 2 Low 16 15 – 1 Informational 37 30 4 3 Total 70 60 4 6 When using this protocol, the main risks you want to look out for are:
- Ensuring that the contracts you are interacting with matches the one we audited. This can be done by comparing the addresses with the one present in the contracts page in our audit.
- Our audits only cover code-related risks. Users will have to do their own due diligence on other aspects of the protocol such as the reputation of the team, the protocol’s tokenomics, and other aspects of the project that might be relevant.